These are the formats we mostly participate in.

LIV (IPS) Format

How to calculate your points from your strokes when completing your scorecard

If you play from scratch (0 handicap index) the following apply:

  • Four strokes under – 6 points
  • Three strokes under – 5 points
  • Two strokes under – 4 points
  • One point under – 3 points
  • Level par – 2 points
  • Two or more strokes over – 0 point

If you stroke on a hole add one point, double stroke add 2 points and triple stroke add 3 points to the points given above.


The basic match play rules

In matchplay, there are a number of common formats ranging from individual to team. It could be singles match play or in teams.

The lowest score on a hole wins that hole. If player A and B both make par but player B has a stroke on that hole, player B wins the hole. If there are no strokes, the hole is halved.

The match is over when one player or team leads by more holes than there are still to play. For example, a 4&3 victory is when one side is four holes up with only three holes to play.


Betterball formats

  • IPS
    • The scoring works the same a described above under LIV (IPS) format. The points recorded for the team per hole is the highest number, e.g. if player A makes 1 point and player B makes 2 points, the 2 points is written down in results for A+B.
  • Bogey +
    • Bogey + is based on the same principle as described under LIV (IPS) format. All that differs is that the points are replaced by symbols. If a player makes 2 points on a hole, a square is recorded on the scorecard. 3 points is a +, 4 points a ++. 1 point and below is a -.
    • The same principle applies as with IPS betterball. The highest score of the player in the team is recorded in the results column
  • Medal
    • Scoring betterball medal is a bit different. There are no IPS points attached in this form of play.
    • Each player records the number of strokes played per hole.
    • You deduct your course handicap from the number of strokes played per hole.
    • For example, all 4 players played 5 strokes on a hole and their course handicaps are as follows:
      • Player A doesn’t stroke
      • Player B strokes
      • Player C double strokes
      • Player D triple strokes
    • Calculation
      • Player A 5-0=5
      • Player B 5-1=4
      • Player C 5-2=3
      • Player D 5-3=2
    • What is recorded in the results column is the least number of strokes per betterball pair, e.g.
      • Player A & B will record 4
      • Player C&D will record 2